Brand New Morning
A new day is much like a new fallen snow,
an untouched blanket, neatly spread before you
not a footprint yet made,
not a wrinkle or crinkle imposed.
That is the thought that gripped me this morning after I woke.
I lie awake for a moment thinking about what I must do today
then as I threw back the covers and began to step off the bed,
something said "wait", "not yet"
"don't get up and stomp out into the beauty without taking a minute
to examine it, reflect on it, thank God for it".
"don't take it for granted"
so I just waited, and thought and wondered
before running out into the "snow".
I admired the quietness, the slow silence that
lay before me. Then, I aplogized.
I apologized to God for my hurriedness.
I asked Him to help me make my steps wisely
as not to mess up the beauty of the clean, fresh
day before me.
I got up and heard a bird singing and saw the sun
shining. I did not rush to the laundry or the phone
or the t.v.
you know, snow quickly melts.
So does a new day.
So get up tomorrow and examine your "new snow"
before you run out into it.
Ahhh I like it. The girls also really loved the Four Fudgesicles poem. Anna wants you to do another one but maybe it will be a poem of one... Can we make request like that? Anna is making me ask as she leans over my shoulder whilst I type. Anna and Abbi think you are great!